A new season, a new day…

It’s been a while since we last spoke via my blog hope all is well out there. So this one’s a bit of a long one hope you can make it to the end…
So last week I took some time out to detox body, mind, and soul, no FaceBook, no Twitter, no playing word games (which for me was really hard) and no TV. Just time spent in His presence seeking direction.
I lived on pure juices for the week thanks to Jason Vale and his Big summer detox lost, 11llbs in weight and am trying to continue a much healthier way of eating. Not that I ever ate badly but you know sometimes if you’re not careful with what you consume and don’t exercise, the weight will pile on (there’s a message in there somewhere…)
In my time with God I was asking him for direction on my next steps, you see my journey as a worship leader really all started when Noel asked me to join the group formally known as “Co” now called ‘Nu Image’.
Little did I know that 20 years later we’d still lifting up the name of Jesus across the country. Being part of this collective helped me to grow, and develop my gifts, not just as a singer, worship leader or songwriter, but as a person.
Assignments are just that assignments and at some point you have to hand that essay in to get marked, well my assignment has been handed in and now it’s time for the next one.
God has been tugging on my heart for some time now, even before my detox, I guess the detox was just God wanting to get me to himself, to talk creating a space for Him to fill.
A new mission for a new season…
I mean all this preparation, all these experiences must have been for something. Singing in all those places, having the opportunity to write songs with Noel, and many other writers had to be for something right? What was God trying to let me know?
Well He was reminding me about all the words spoken over my life that I had a purpose to fulfil, He had given me a mandate, and He was reminding me, and showing me what it was.
And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you. (Philippians 1:6 AMP)
I realised that it was time, as sad as it was and felt, it was time for me to step into the season prepared for me and the journey ahead.
So my last event with team was a couple of weeks ago, it was an awesome time in God’s presence with the guys. Just as this chapter had begun for me, singing on stage it was coming to a close with me singing on stage with the team. My eyes did well up (for those of you who know me well Jeremiah has nothing on me when it comes to crying lol). I had mixed feelings, of excitement and sadness; this would be the last time I would be doing this like this.
Noel and the team have played a major part of my journey as a Worshipper who happens to be for over 20 years, all of it beautiful and wonderful experiences.
The great things is, I still get work with them as part of Kingdom Worship Movement (KWM), Noel and I still write together, it’s the same but different, a good different. Although absent from the stage with the team, they will never be absent from my heart and my prayers.
It’s a new season and I have a new assignment.
Sometimes things will be easy, sometimes not, but as I heard a young lady in church say when she gave her testimony about going on a 5 month Vision 24/7 course, this really encouraged and challenged me at the same time.
God asked her if she was serious about him, she said yes, He said then do what’s not comfortable for you! I believe we in a season where God is daring us to believe, to take him at his word and just believe – all things are possible.
- Communities being transformed – possible
- Broken lives being restored – possible
- People being healed – possible
- Salvation to the masses – possible
Stepping out there without the guys is going to be different, but good for me. I know they got me in their prayers and that this is what God has called me to.
What’s in store? – I don’t know the full picture. But I do know that if The Lord builds the house my labour won’t be in vain.
Until the next time – The Worshipper who happens to be…
Amazing my lovely friend! So understand where you’re coming from especially the bit about not knowing yet what the future looks like!
The future’s bright though this I know! Xx
Xx I know who the Captain of the ship is
Hi Julie so glad you found it encouraging. It’s been a journey but I don’t regret one moment of it. Gods plans are always right. Enjoy your new assignment.
really encouraging I too have been asked to move into a role of co-leader in worship for my local Church. I have been singing as worship leader for 3 years now but this is a new level which was great to hear at first but now its settled in to my mind i’m thinking “aaaah” lol – your blog has brought a new way of thinking for me and i’m grateful fo your honesty and the challenging thoughts you’ve left me with 🙂
Go up and possess the land. God will never lead you where His grace cannot keep you. You have my love and prayers as you step into the next phase if your destiny and Purpose.
Thank you Yvonne. I truly appreciate your support, love and prayers.