When we hold onto things we shouldn’t it can hinder us from entering into the next season of our lives.
Look at the exodus, as much as God had done miraculous things for the children of Israel the problem they faced was their unwillingness to put Egypt in the past and therefore they but for a few were denied the promise of becoming a nation in their own land.

The question I faced was this, as I approach new seasons and go through transitions in my life, I need to make sure I look at what I could be holding on to that could possibly stop me from entering into the fullness of everything God has planned for me. Note to self – “Your purpose isn’t limited by your circumstance”.
So in 2009 whilst I was leading worship at the very first Renewal – Kingdom Worship Movement event, God spoke to me through one of the ministers. He asked me if I’d be willing to put all that was before me down for the greater call. Now you have to realise I was in an emotional state at the time, as God was moving in that moment. Not fully understanding at the time what that really meant and being in the “moment” I said “Yes Lord I’ll do anything”. It wasn’t until the end of last year, the beginning of this year that I truly began to understand what that word meant.
What have I learnt? That nothing in this life is ours, it all belongs to God, He just makes us stewards of it, our gifts, our talents, our abilities all on loan. And when He’s ready to change the script or tell us to put it down, if my mindset is that of a steward I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But if I believed it’s mine for keeps that’s when it could become difficult for me to let it go.
Abraham did it when he was willing to give up Isaac the one thing he had waited so long for, but that one selfless act made God call Abraham his friend.
Sometimes things are asked of us that will challenge us to the very core. My challenge was would I be willing to put down what was in my hand. Now the thing that was in my hand was legitimately mine to have and walk in, but God was asking me do you lift it up above me? “unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies…” John 12:24. He knows what’s ahead for me and He his plan for me is far more than I can ever imagine.
If God could trust me to put him above everything else…
The promise ahead of Israel was far greater than the Egypt that was left behind. They were to be the nation God had foretold, but because they weren’t willing to put down Egypt it took them 40 years and a generation dying in the wilderness to gain what was rightfully theirs.
Don’t let fear (False Reality Appearing Real) hold you back from your purpose destiny and call. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your path Proverbs 3:5-6
Until the next time, from A worshipper who happens to be…