But it’s not the lemons that are the issue it’s how you deal with them. I have learnt along the way that the key to getting through those times has always been right on the tip of my tongue – as Fred Hammond sings “It’s in your praise”.
Now in many of the situations I have faced on my journey I have found it difficult sometimes to even lift up my hands and thank God for anything, but it’s in those moments when I’ve pressed in and worshipped God that He released more of himself to me and into those situations.
You see I’ve been a worship leader for over 20 years of my life and I have to say if I’m honest sometimes the gift has overtaken the relationship, and the intimacy with my heavenly Father. And although I have been blessed and privileged to sing and lead in some incredible arenas in my heart I knew there must be more, there just had to be.
So here comes the lemons – 4 years ago God took it all away. We moved church, and I was no longer leading worship, nor doing all the things I thought defined me, Daddy asked me to put them down.
What was God trying to teach me? What did He want me to learn and why couldn’t he find some other way to do it! Leading worship defined me, validated me, gave me identity, but God asked me put it down!
You see if the thing you are called to becomes bigger than the one who called you check yourself!
As I stood in my new church in the congregation watching the worship team lead us into Gods presence I realised that my focus had been a little off and what I sought after wasn’t where God wanted my focus to be.
Just leading wasn’t enough just doing what I knew I could wasn’t going to cut it any more. It was then that I encountered God in a whole new way. I came in contact with His presence in a deeper way and that changed my view point totally. He showed me there was more…
And that was the beginning of the chapter of my life I like to call “finding my identity” or Isaiah 60:1″Arise, shine”
I have learnt and I’m still learning that worship is more than the songs I can sing or write, it’s about my relationships, with my Heavenly Father, my husband, my children, my family, friends and neighbours. It’s out of that place of intimacy with the Father you find you have the capacity to love others more than you ever thought you could. Pray for those you really don’t want to pray for, and care enough to want to make a difference.
Sometimes when life throws you lemons – make lemonade turn those disappointments into appointments with His presence, and watch the miraculous happen.
Till the next time.
Donna – The worshipper who happens to be…