For a long time now I’ve been toying with the idea about doing a blog, sharing my thoughts and my journey as a worshipper leader, a songwriter and singer but I wasn’t sure anyone one would read it.
I mean their are lots of blogs out there, a lot of people saying similar things so what’s so different about mine?

Well I just want to share what Gods been saying to me, teaching me, showing me, over the years and if it can encourage or help anyone along the way then that’s great.
I want to encourage folks those involved in leading worship no matter the setting, whatever stream of the church you fellowship in not to give up on your God given destiny, to know what that is, and if you don’t know, how to find out what it is.
You see worship for me isn’t just about what we do on a Sunday, it’s how we live our lives everyday for His glory and how that impacts society, our neighbourhoods, our families and friends.
I want you to speak back to me and share with me your experiences, and concerns you may have. I may not have all the answers but together we can pray and encourage one another, celebrate each other and fulfil the call on us – “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven…”
Not sure how often I’ll post something, I supposed when I get inspired to share, so this is just an intro to Donna Akodu the worshipper who happens to be…